Reply To: Go to Market and new partner onboarding

  • Michael Doherty

    August 15, 2023 at 12:19 pm

    I am a firm believer that there needs to be enablement before the enablement. I’ve seen instances where organizations focus heavily on sellers to the detriment of the partnership and rollout. Prior to conducting sales enablement I want to make sure that I not only have executive leadership buy-in, but also that they are committed to engaging in the process and certain actions to ensure the success of the process. I want the appropriate executive to “assign” certain tasks to his team, such as building out the compensation framework, quota impacts, support runbooks, escalation paths, etc etc. The list goes on, but essentially this needs to be viewed as a new product/service launch and be treated as such. Once the back office and technical (support, architects/eng, pre-sales eng) enablement has been completed, audited and approved by the partners exec team and your team, then its marketings turn in terms of materials suporting the sales process, campaigns/outreach methodologies, etc. Now you have your calendar and marketing support, it’s time to focus on the sellers. Three distinct training types are typical: Product Sales training, Sales Process training, Partnership dynamics training (think- I have a question about X, whats my escalation path? How am I getting paid? – anything that a seller may want or need to know about the relationship).

    One thing I like to do is have the CEO announce the partnership internally. I typically build an email template that my partners can use for internal announcement that gives a high level overview of the what, why, and how of the partnership, replete with timelines and general ownership.

    To get such buy in, I make the signoff on the enablement process part of my sales process when signing a new partner. I have the appropriate parties review and sign off on the enablement overview document and the associated timelines. This eliminates any pushback on said activities down the line.