Hi, welcome to PARTNERNOMICS®
The PARTNERNOMICS methodology has been powering thousands of partnering programs from 85+ countries for over a decade. With software (PARTNERNOMICS® IQ), fractional consulting services, coaching, certifications, and courses, we deliver “the science of partnering” to you!

Our Story
In 2014, PARTNERNOMICS® was founded by Mark Brigman, Ph.D. on the belief that “there has to be a better way to lead partnerships.” Studies commonly show that channel partnerships experience 80-90% failure rates and Solutions partnerships see a 70% failure rate. Our belief set us on a mission to create THE global standard B2B partnership methodology.
Since then, we’ve developed the first partner operations software native to Salesforce.com® that executes a holistic partnering methodology (PARTNERNOMICS IQ). We offer the only university-backed partnering methodology certification which has been earned by partnering professionals from organizations of all sizes — startups to Fortune 10. Our proprietary software, methodology, certifications, and implementation services allow clients to efficiently adopt the science of partnering and achieve operational excellence in each of their partnering programs.
Together everyone achieves more
Our mission is ‘To make strategic partnering become a core competency for every client resulting in exponential growth for all.’ This means finding new and better ways to help people execute partnerships.

Trusted by the world’s leading partnership teams

Start your journey with

I Want to Work With a Consult
Leverage a Certified PARTNERNOMICS® Implementer to assist in launching, building, and/or managing your organizations partnering function.

I Want To Learn the System and Self-Implement
Start delivering results by adopting the worlds only university-backed partnering methodology.